
Monday, August 20, 2012

Gestalt Psychology and Personal Development


Gestalt psychological theories do a great work regarding the personal development. Gestalt psychology is known as a significant theory which was improved by Kofkka, Kholer and Max Warth Hyman. It guides person to become a most understandable by him/herself and assists person how to deal with the self-support.

The main concept is “organized whole” in this theory. In that case gestalt psychologists have seen the person as a whole. Personal behavior is created by sum of its parts. The pattern whole and configuration are mostly important. Bodily functions like speech, posture, actions and emotions are totally influenced to the personal behavior. In addition the idea of whole is different from its parts and it can be applied to our own lives not only every moment but when it is need we can perceive the whole instead of parts. As an example you cannot completely solve a problem knowing a part of it should know and understand the whole problem.

The Gestalt psychology mostly emphasizes on personal experience in the present moment. Person should attention towards present moment rather than past or future. Environment and social context are caused to understand the present moment which helps to the self- support. If you are in a problem at this time you should actually understand what is the present situation is? Another main fact is the uniqueness. Everyone is unique and you can discover solutions to perticuler situations using your own ways. This is very important when we deal with daily life. You should know, I have my own value as well as everyone having equal value or significance. Then you can decrease the conflicts you are making with others.

Gestalt psychology is a complex psychological system that stresses the development of person. There are three facts.

              1. Self-awareness
Self-awareness is the main fact which can help person to build up self-support and inner strength. You are the author of your life. Identify how you relate well or badly to others. Mindfulness also should be understood through Perceiving, feeling, acting, interpreting and explaining. Become aware of what is doing triggers ability to risk a shift or change. What is in the here and now, what is actually happening moment to moment what is being done,  what are you doing, how are you doing it and also learn to accept and value them.

            2. personal growth

Personal growth helps each person to discover unique solution to his/her awareness of thinking, feeling, sensing at any given moment. Improvement of personal growth shows how to realize self -awareness.

              3. Self-responsibility

Promote persons’ sense of freedom and responsibility. Self- responsibility helps person to become free from unfinished business and blocks. 

The main concept is,

          There is no sight unless there is something to be seen and nothing can be seen unless there is an eye to see it.


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